Detection test kit of Bovine coronavirus by using qPCR. BCoV is the cause of 3 distinct clinical syndromes in cattle: calf diarrhea, winter dysentery with hemorrhagic diarrhea in adults, and respiratory infections in cattle of various ages including the bovine respiratory disease complex or shipping fever of feedlot cattle. Bovine coronavirus has been found in cattle worldwide.
Detection test kit of Bovine rotavirus A by using qPCR. Rotaviruses are the most common cause of neonatal calf diarrhea, they most often affect calves that are 4-14 days old but are also probably in younger and older calves. Group A rotaviruses have a high prevalence of infection and transmission generally occurs as a result of oral contact with infected feces.
Detection test kit of Bovine ephemeral fever virus by using qPCR. Bovine ephemeral fever (BEF), commonly known as three-day sickness is a disease of cattle and occasionally buffaloes, marked by short fever, shivering, lameness, and muscular stiffness. It causes serious economic losses through deaths, loss of condition, decreased milk production, lowered fertility of bulls, mismothering of calves, delays in marketing, and restrictions on the export of live cattle.
Bovine leukemia virus detection test kit by using qPCR. BLV infection often does not cause any clinical signs, however, about 30 % of the infected animals develop lymphoproliferation and about 5 % develop leukemia. Finally, 1 to 5 % of all infected cattle, develop malignant tumors known as lymphosarcomas.