Haemonchus contortus detection test kit by using qPCR. Haemonchus contortus is an important parasite of sheep and goats, but can infect other ruminants such as cattle, deer, camels, and llamas. The infection, called haemonchosis, causes large economic losses for farmers around the world, especially for those living in warmer climates. Together with H. contortus, H. placei is also a main ruminant parasite that predominates on cattle.
Detection test kit of Theileria lestoquardi, by using qPCR. Ovine theileriosis is an important hemoprotozoal disease of sheep and goats in tropical and subtropical regions that leads to economic losses for these animals.
Babesia caballi detection test kit by using qPCR. Babesiosis is a malaria-like parasitic disease caused by infection with Babesia, a genus of protozoal piroplasms. Is a blood parasite of mammals, and they can have a major impact on the health of domestic animals in areas without severe winters. Common names of the disease include Texas cattle fever, redwater fever, tick fever, and Nantucket fever.
Trichomonas gallinae detection test kit by using qPCR. Trichomonas gallinae is a cosmopolitan protozoan parasite of pigeons, but other birds such as domestic and wild turkeys, chickens, raptors may also become infected. The disease in pigeons is commonly called canker and the same condition in birds of prey is called frounce. T. gallinae is generally found in the oral-nasal cavity or anterior end of the digestive and respiratory tracts. Transmission of the parasite from one bird to another occurs by infected parent feeding young, by contaminated drinking water, or when an infected bird is prey for another bird (raptors most commonly).
Babesiosis canina detection test kit by using qPCR. Canine babesiosis is a worldwide, tick-borne, protozoal hemiparasitic disease caused by hemoprotozoan parasites of the genus Babesia. The two predominant species capable of naturally infecting dogs are Babesia gibsoni and Babesia canis. A trinomial nomenclature system for Babesia canis has been proposed as B. canis canis, B canis vogeli and B. canis rossi.