Foot-and-mouth disease virus type O (FMDV-O) species by using qPCR. Foot-and-Mouth disease or Hoof-and-Mouth disease (Aphthae epizooticae) is an infectious disease that affects cloven-hoofed animals, including domestic and wild animals. Foot-and-Mouth disease is highly infectious and can be spread by infected animals through aerosols, through contact with contaminated farming equipment, vehicles, clothing or feed, and by domestic and wild predators. There are seven described serotypes of this virus, A, C, O, Asia 1, SAT3, SAT 1 and SAT 2.
Foot-and-mouth disease virus detection test kit by using qPCR. Foot-and-Mouth disease or Hoof-and-Mouth disease (Aphthae epizooticae) is an infectious disease that affects cloven-hoofed animals, including domestic and wild animals. Foot-and-Mouth disease is highly infectious and can be spread by infected animals through aerosols, through contact with contaminated farming equipment, vehicles, clothing or feed, and by domestic and wild predators. There are seven described serotypes of this virus, A, C, O, Asia 1, SAT3, SAT 1 and SAT 2.
Foot-and-mouth disease virus type A (FMDV-A) species by using qPCR. Foot-and-Mouth disease or Hoof-and-Mouth disease (Aphthae epizooticae) is an infectious disease that affects cloven-hoofed animals, including domestic and wild animals. Foot-and-Mouth disease is highly infectious and can be spread by infected animals through aerosols, through contact with contaminated farming equipment, vehicles, clothing or feed, and by domestic and wild predators. There are seven described serotypes of this virus, A, C, O, Asia 1, SAT3, SAT 1 and SAT 2.
Infectious bursal disease virus detection test kit by using qPCR. Infectious bursal disease virus, only the serotype 1 viruses cause disease in poultry. The infectious bursal disease virus is responsible for Infectious bursal disease a highly contagious disease in young chickens. It has economic relevance to the poultry industry worldwide due to increased susceptibility to other diseases and negative interference with effective vaccination.
Newcastle disease virus (NDV) detection test kit by using qPCR. NDV is responsible for a contagious bird disease affecting many domestic and wild avian species, also transmissible to humans. The virus NDV (Paramyxoviridae) its effects are most notable in domestic poultry due to their high susceptibility and the potential for severe impacts of an epizootic on the poultry industry.