Chlamydia pecorum detection test kit by using qPCR. Also known as Chlamydophila pecorum it has been isolated only from mammals: cattle, sheep, goats (ruminants), koalas (marsupials), and swine. The most important manifestations including infectious arthritis, infertility, enteritis, reduced growth rates, mastitis, and pneumonia.
Chlamydia suis detection test kit by using qPCR. The only known natural host is the pig. C. suis in pigs has been associated with conjunctivitis, rhinitis, pneumonia, enteritis, periparturient dysgalactiae syndrome, reproductive disorders, and inferior semen quality and apparently asymptomatic infections.
Detection test kit of Mycoplasma gallisepticum vacunal strain 6/85 by using qPCR. Mycoplasma gallisepticum is the causative agent of chronic respiratory disease (CRD) in chickens and infectious sinusitis in turkeys, chickens, game birds, pigeons, and passerine birds of all ages. Strain 6-85 is the most widely used live vaccines of Mycoplasma gallisepticum, and differentiation from field strains is essential for disease control on farms.
Mycoplasma agalactiae detection test kit by using qPCR. Mycoplasma agalactiae can be present in the milk of sheep and goats and can cause mastitis in the animal. The disease is known as contagious agalactia. M. mycoides subsp. capri, and M. capricolum subsp. capricolum and M. putrefaciens have also been isolated from goats with mastitis and arthritis. In serious outbreaks of infections with M. agalactiae, whole herds have been lost.
Mycoplasma capricolum detection test kit by using qPCR. M. capricolum subsp. capricolum and M. capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae are closely related subspecies of the M. mycoides cluster. M. capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae is the etiologic agent of contagious caprine pleuropneumonia, a severe and typically lethal respiratory disease. M. capricolum subsp. capricolum infection occurs worldwide and appears widespread but has rarely been found in species of small ruminants other than domestic goats and, occasionally, sheep.