Avian reovirus by using qPCR. ARVs infect wild and farm-raised birds and are important fowl pathogens associated with various disease conditions such as gastrointestinal malabsorption syndrome, tenosynovitis (arthritis), growth retardation, and sudden death. They have also been isolated from asymptomatic birds.
Detection test kit of Schmallenberg virus by using qPCR. Schmallenberg virus (SBV) cause congenital malformations and stillbirths in cattle, sheep, goats, and possibly alpaca. It appears to be transmitted by midges (Culicoides spp.). It has also been detected in most countries of Europe.
Camelpox virus detection test kit by using qPCR. The Camelpox virus, that causes Camelpox, causing infections in camels. . A large proportion of camels acutely infected with the Camelpox virus die, although death is often attributed to a secondary infection.
Swine H1N1 influenza A virus detection test kit by using qPCR. Swine H1N1 influenza A virus is one of the subtypes responsible for swine influenza, which can infect humans through a zoonotic transmission from pigs to humans. It is now a human seasonal flu virus that also circulates in pigs. Like the regular flu, swine flu can lead to more serious problems including pneumonia, lung infection, and other breathing problems.